Anxiety and worry...what does Jesus say about it? Luke 12:13-14

by Mark Rater

Text: Lk 12:13-34

With so much going on in the world today and particularly lately given the cautions, uncertainties, and adjustments within society due to the Coronavirus outbreak, many are tempted to worry and fear. Will we get sick? Will we have food? Will we have money? Will the economy survive? Will we have childcare? These and many more questions surround us and may be in our minds. Today’s text teaches us that believe it or not, we are not to worry! Look at what we're told in Luke 12:13-34..

  1. Life is not about possessions-be rich toward God (vv13-21)

  2. Do not be anxious about life’s necessities-anxiousness pursues the wrong things (vv22-23)

  3. God meets the needs of His creation... if He feeds the birds, how much more His own people! (v24)

  4. Worry won’t help, God is the one who provides for us (vv25-28)

  5. Worry doubts God-His goodness, His resources, His willingness , His love (v28)

  6. God knows what you need and will provide, seek God’s coming kingdom instead (vv29-32)

  7. Give! True treasure is in the heavens and is eternal (v33)

  8. Your heart will follow your treasure (v34)

Let’s focus this week on what Jesus has taught us here. We don’t need to worry, God knows our needs and promises to provide! We’re to be responsible, but we don’t have to be sidelined by fear. We can give to those in need and take part in all that God is doing and calling us to do while we wait and pray for His coming kingdom! 

Discuss and reflect this week on this passage! 

  1. Are we rich towards God or worried about possessions?

  2. Are we worried and anxious and pursuing the wrong things?

  3. God is faithful to provide for us!

  4. Are we giving to others through difficult times? Our resources of money and time? Let’s find ways to serve others and share the good news.

  5. Heart check- where is our treasure?
