Philippians 1-Honoring Christ and spreading the Gospel even in difficult circumstances

by Mark Rater 

Philippians 1

Philippians was written by Paul from prison. He’s being imprisoned for his faith in Christ and the church in Philippi that he’s writing to is being persecuted for their faith. He writes to them in order to encourage them toward joy, thanksgiving, humility, service, holiness, and bold proclamation of the gospel despite the circumstances.

Notice how, despite separation and difficult circumstances, Paul:

  1. Greets his brothers and sisters in Christ in the grace and peace of Jesus Christ (vv1-2)

  2. Remembers and prays for his fellow believers with joy (vv3-4)

  3. Encourages fellow believers of Christ’s ongoing work in them (v6)

  4. Proclaims his grace centered, Christ centered affection for his fellow believers (vv7-8)

  5. Prays for their spiritual growth (vv9-11)

  6. Views current circumstances as an opportunity to advance the gospel (vv12-18)

  7. Resolves to honor Christ through his difficult circumstances (vv18-26)

  8. Encourages his fellow believers to live a life worthy of the gospel that’s focused on the gospel even as they suffer (vv27-30)
