Hope in the Cross

Written and Illustrated by Abby Rater 

     Things are pretty crazy right now with the coronavirus and the panic and precaution it has caused. Schools and businesses are closing temporarily. People are buying all the food, hand sanitizer, toilet paper they can get. Some may feel like the world is going crazy, or even falling apart. This is all scary, but the good news is that we don't have to be afraid!

     Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever." This is why we don't have to be afraid, we can always trust the Bible, which never fails even when everything else in life does. "OK," you may say, "The Bible will always last, but what does it matter to me? How will that stop my fear?" Well, it isn't so much the book itself, but what God has written in it that should give us hope.

     "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," Genesis 1:1. When God created this world for us, it was perfect. There was no sin, sickness, fear, or death. God didn't want the humans He created, Adam and Eve, to be like robots, so He gave them a choice between good and evil. Sadly, with one sin, they chose evil. This is how sin, sickness, fear, and death entered the world. Now everyone in the world is a sinner.

     The penalty for sin is death but the good news is that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ (who was fully God and fully man, and therefore sinless) to die on a cross as the sacrifice for all of our sins. Now that Jesus died to forgive us of our sin, we can go to heaven if we trust in Him. We also need to ask God to forgive us of our sins and He will. 

     Heaven is a perfect place with no sin where God and everyone who has left this world trusting in in Him lives. It is a paradise where God is praised all day long with joy. No matter how hard things get here, those of us who believe in God and all He has done can have the hope of heaven to chase our fear away. We know this world's problems aren't permanent and one day we will be in perfect paradise praising Him. 

     This is why I drew the earth flying apart with the cross in the middle, standing in one piece. If you look, you will see that there are lines coming from the cross to keep the world from completely falling apart. Jesus died on the cross so one day we can go to heaven, this hope can be what keeps our world from completely flying apart. 
