The Lord's Prayer...Mike Fitzpatrick

 The Lord's Prayer -Matthew 6:13-19; Luke 11:2-4

Our Father in heaven


realigns me with who He is


• (pat r) ē : Intimacy and respect.

• The request is childlike (as if to say “I don't

know how”)

In heaven:

• speaks of His sovereignty, control, purity

and holiness

• the place where one day I will be in the

presence of God

Hallowed be your name


realigns me with who He is

• “May everyone regard your name as holy”

• Am I regarding God's name as holy?

• Am I communicating God's holiness through

my thoughts, speech and actions to those

around me?

Your kingdom come,

your will be done on earth

as it is in heaven


realigns my will with God's will


• 1 Peter 2:9

• the devoting or setting apart of yourself to the

service of God

• Surrender yourself, your kingdom, to God

• be yielded to the Holy Spirit

• “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

(Luke 22:42)

Is God's kingdom greater than mine?

Looking at the present:

• God's holiness and splendor put on display

Looking to the future:

• the created order fully restored (all that was lost

at the fall)

Our life now is to be lived in light of the future

(God's name revered, God's kingdom)

Give us this day our daily bread


reminds me of my need of daily provision

Daily Provision-How dependant am I?

• Forgetting leads to idolatry

• Forgetting God's provision causes us to

look to other things for provision

Forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive

those who trespass against us


reminds me of my need of daily forgiveness

Daily Forgiveness-How forgiven am I?

• Remembering leads to forgiving others

• What have I been forgiven of?

• What do I need to confess now?

• Who do I need to forgive?

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil


reminds me of my need of daily protection from sin

Daily Protection-How weak am I?

• Expression of a desire to obey God and

avoid sin

• thus glorifying God, revering His name,

living in light of His kingdom, and

experiencing the fullness of my

relationship to Him

Temptation comes from:

• the world

• the flesh

• the devil

• In what specific areas am I prone to

being tempted lately?
